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Ways to Increase Membership


Open your Back to School Tool Kit

It’s filled with lots of great information and resources. Make sure to distribute the information to all your board members.


Make sure membership forms have more than one line for signing up

Allow space for not only parents, but for grandparents, aunts, uncle’s friends etc…


Offer workshops or speakers on current school issues

Attract members to your PTA meeting by inviting teachers to talk to parents about curriculum, study habits, transitioning to middle and high school.  Find out what questions your families have and offer the answers.


“No time” is often given as the reason for not joining PTA

Separate the act of joining from the act of volunteering by signing up volunteers on a separate form or at times when you are not recruiting new members.


BRAG, BRAG, BRAG, about all you accomplishments

What you do is important. Make sure you take credit for it.  Show your families where their fundraising/dues money goes.


Hang a sign or banner with your name on it!


Say “Thank You!”


Have a membership table

Have a membership table at every PTA and school event. Open House, Concerts, plays, etc…Membership is year round!


Don’t forget to ask custodians, cafeteria workers, secretaries and even the bus drivers to support your PTA by joining.


Ask the Board of Education members, School Committee members,  Superintendent, and of course, your principal.


Take pictures at PTA events and post them on a school bulletin board or make posters of great PTA events.  Get those pictures into school yearbooks!

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