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Exhibitor and Advertising Opportunities

Exhibitors, Advertisers and Sponsors:

Rhode Island PTA would like to invite you to become a sponsor, participate in our Rhode Island PTA Convention Exhibit, or to place an ad in our Annual Convention Program Directory.

2025 Convention Info Coming Soon!

The directory will be distributed to all the attendees of the Rhode Island PTA’s 2025 Annual Spring Convention Dinner Meeting.

Convention attendees will include members of the Board of Managers, local leaders from PTAs, educators, and administrators. They are experienced, dedicated volunteers and professionals who are influential in their schools and communities and make decisions about products and services like yours every day. PTA members are active in schools and communities throughout the state.  Each attendee is encouraged to visit the exhibit hall.  

With your help and support, the PTA can continue to offer many programs for schools and communities including…

  • BUILDING SUCCESSFUL PARTNERSHIPS: a program to support schools in their efforts to increase and support meaningful parent/family involvement.

  • REFLECTIONS: a national student arts program that includes the visual arts, music, film, photography, dance and literature

  • Advocacy programs that encourage parents to be aware of and support legislation that will benefit all children.

  • A variety of parent education programs designed to help parents raise healthy children who are successful in school.


Our convention is an opportunity to make a direct connection with leading PTA members – parents, educators, and community members who are committed to ensuring the academic, physical, and social well-being of children. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to showcase your products and services to our convention attendees.

Rhode Island PTA is a 501(c) (3) organization. Your contribution will enable the PTA to maintain its state office and continue its efforts to represent the needs of Rhode Island’s children.


If you have any questions or are interested in participating in this year’s convention, please contact Amanda Carlow, Rhode Island PTA Spring Convention Chairperson at 401-206-1144 or

Thank you for your anticipated support!



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PO Box 8476

Warwick, RI 02888

Copyright © 2024 Rhode Island Parent and Teachers Association

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